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Vinyl Types
We use 3 types of vinyl for car signage

Monomeric Vinyl

Monomeric Vinyl

This is the most popular option due to the low costs involved in this vinyl option. In General, most people only do parts (mostly flat area's) of the car - due to the costs involved. Monomeric Vinyl is the ideal option for this. The Vinyl is 80 micron in width. The only defect that monomeric vinyl has is when it is stuck on uneven areas it tends to lift up & eventually starts to crack. An example: in some cases the client wants the vinyl stuck over the "indentation" (it is part of the cars frame work) & the monomeric vinyl will then start damaging after 3 to 5 years.
Polymeric Vinyl

Polymeric Vinyl

This vinyl is made of a higher quality raw material. Polymeric vinyl does not stretch & shrink as much as the monomeric vinyl. The vinyl is 70 & 75 micron in width and can be stuck on relative uneven areas.
Cast Vinyl

Cast Vinyl

This is the best quality but most expensive of all vinyl. This vinyl is classified as 2 to 3 different grades of quality and the vehicle grade cast vinyl ranges the highest. This vinyl is about 50 micron and is mainly used when a car is wrapped in full colour. This vinyl is ideal to stick on corrugated and even pop rivets of trucks. This vinyl is elastic and does not shrink at all.

Would you like to use it with your next project? Contact Us!

+27 12 346 6119

Vinyl Types

Vehicle Wrapping
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