Our Approach

Frequently Asked Question

1.) What do you need from me in order to give me a quotation on the branding of my vehicle?

We require photos of the vehicle, taken from the side and the back. We also prefer that the words to be used, including logo, name, etc. be indicated on the photo in the corresponding places (this can be done by hand).

2.) Do you also do the design and layout?

Yes we do provide designing at an extra fee. The prices range between R300 for a basic layout and R1 800 for a full color wrap.

3.) How must the designs be submitted?

Logos and phrases must be supplied as editable line art images. These should be supplied as eps, cdr, ai files. Photos must be supplied as high res jpeg images.

4.) If I want to accept the quotation for my vehicle branding, what is the next step I need to take so that the work can be done?

Email your design as well as a proof payment (a 50% deposit is payable) to . Afterwards we will send you concepts which you need to sign off. 3-4 working days after receipt of proof of your payment, you will be contacted and we will arrange a date on which the vehicle must be brought in to be branded.

5.) How long does it take to brand a vehicle?

The time it takes is dependent on the size of the job.  This means that if he area that needs to be covered is a full wrap , the vehicle will be in for 3-4 working days. This is typically in cases when a large vehicle such as a minibus needs a full color wrap.

6.) How long does branding on a vehicle last?

It depends on a variety of factors such as:

  • How often is the vehicle exposed to direct sunlight?
  • How regularly is it washed with a pressure gun?
  • In instances of full colored printing, deterioration will start after 18 months. The usual lifespan of branding, before deterioration becomes visible, is 3 years.

7.) What if I have already paid the deposit and upon collection of the vehicle I realize it is substandard and of low quality. What should I do?

We are proud to say that this has never happened before. All the same, in such a case we will redo the branding and you will only pay after you are satisfied with the work


Vehicle Wrapping
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